Hello Cornerstone Community!
We are excited to let you know that we will be meeting at 6:30pm and 8pm at Main Hall 01 of The Evangelical Church building. Below are details and directions for the venue.
There will be no Celebration meeting this Sunday
Times: 6.30-7.30pm (with kids ministry) and 8-9pm (without kids ministry) services with fellowship afterwards
Location: Main Hall 1, The Evangelical Church
Parking: Next to the venue (mawaqif)- https://goo.gl/maps/Y8rhmA2vLg82gz1H9 (See Map Below)
Bus routes 21, 22, 23, 26, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 103, 161, 175 and X4 all go close to The Evangelical Church building.

Although the exact timing of this change was unknown until now, we have been preparing and expecting this to happen at some point and we are ready to go! Over the past few months we have been communicating this upcoming change during celebration services announcements, in life groups and with the volunteer teams.
There will be more details in the coming days about the necessary adjustments in other activities across church life but we wanted to get this information to you as soon as possible.
Join us for the final part in our sermon series entitled ‘Kingdom Values –Staying the course in challenging times’. Over the past three weeks we've been reminded of four of Cornerstone’s Bible-based values which, when embraced and lived out, ensure that no matter what challenges we face (such as new meetings places and times) we can come through them together bigger, stronger, more mature, more united and more fruitful than we were before.

This is already our testimony as a local church: these same values have guided us from a house group of a few families to a church of around a thousand members today in 17 years of constant challenges and change. What God has done before he can do again, as we continue to be guided by his Word and his Spirit in the same way.
As we change venues, we continue to trust in Jesus’ faithfulness and are excited to worship together this coming Thursday. If you have any questions please contact your Life Group leader or admin on 056 4411331.
Much Love,
The Eldership Team